Paddling an Inflatable Kayak on the Grand Canyon

If you’re not planning to row, it might be a good idea to consider taking an inflatable kayak on your Grand Canyon trip. Bringing an IK can give you a break from being a raft passenger, and some of the rapids are extremely fun in an inflatable kayak. However, there are some things you should … Read more

Paddling Gunnison Gorge in Colorado

Paddle raft Gunnison Gorge

The Gunnison Gorge of the Gunnison River is a spectacular paddling trip in central Colorado with lively whitewater, superior trout fishing, and beautiful camps. You would think it would be crowded all the time because of these distinguishing qualities, but in fact this section is a logistical puzzle, so it remains relatively unsullied. The put-in … Read more

Paddling Westwater Canyon on the Colorado River

Inflatable kayak Westwater Canyon

Westwater Canyon on the Colorado River is the perfect fix when you want some true whitewater, stunning scenery, and a remote wilderness experience—but you don’t have much time. Just a few miles from Grand Junction, Colorado, this section is easily accessible from I-70. Although I’ve run it more often as a day trip than as … Read more

Paddling Browns Canyon on the Arkansas River in Colorado

Paddling Browns Canyon on the Arkansas River is like solving a series of intricate puzzles. Depending on the water level, this can be a pleasantly challenging experience or a tense exercise in smashing big waves and executing critical moves to dodge boulders and pour-overs. Contents General nature and major rapids of Browns Canyon Downsides of … Read more