Show Your Non-Outdoorsy Friends a Good Time on Your Next Adventure

River Friends

You know your really cool friend who’s never been camping? Maybe he’s a buddy’s new boyfriend, or a coworker who’s new to your town. No matter how you met, we’ve all got that one friend who is really fun to hang out with, but has never been camping before. Here’s how to help that guy have as much fun as possible on his first camping trip.

  1. Know your friend! Don’t bully anyone who is genuinely not interested in camping into going with you. Make sure your friend is actually interested in going camping. 
  2. Keep the trip logistics as simple as possible. Make sure you know the trip logistics, including the route to the trailhead/put in, the shuttle (if necessary), the campsites, and any permit information backwards and forwards.
  3. Make it a luxury trip. This is not the time to be shaving down your toothbrush to save weight. If your passion is backpacking, maybe take your friend on a hut-to-hut trip so you can carry less gear. If it’s boating, get a raft involved—both to carry gear and to give someone who is a little wet and cold a dry place to sit. 
  4. Make sure they have the right gear. You know the likely conditions better than a newbie, so ask them what gear they have and make sure they get access to the gear they need. Even on a nice night, it’ll be pretty cold without a sleeping pad, and no one has fun when they’re sleeping cold.
  5. Make a general announcement about bathroom procedures. When we take newbies on raft trips I like to do a quick rundown of groover procedures after the safety talk. That way no one has to seek me out and ask on the sly. I also make sure the set up is really private, so people who may be a little shy about outdoor bathrooms feel more comfortable. It’s a good idea on any trip you take to review the correct bathroom procedures with the group anyway: people who are used to peeing in the big desert rivers may not be thinking about getting away from sources of water to pee, for example. 
  6. Plan stuff to do at camp. Don’t let people get bored: we like an evening round of light-up bocce ball, an evening hike, or a round of sing-alongs with the guitar, but you know your group best.
Friends at the takeout at Hecla on the Arkansas

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1 thought on “Show Your Non-Outdoorsy Friends a Good Time on Your Next Adventure”

  1. Great point about not bullying your friends. You want them to get excited on coming future trips!

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